Become a Member-Owner

Single Payment

$175 one-time payment

Monthly Payment Plan 1

$25 every month for 7 months

Monthly Payment Plan 2

$12.50 per month for 14 months

Solidarity Shares

We are committed to building an inclusive economy that gives everyone the opportunity to live a well-nourished life and removes any obstacles of becoming a member-owner! We offer low to no-cost shares through donations to our Solidarity Share Fund. Everyone receives the same great co-op member-ownership benefits no matter how your share is paid for!

Limited Income Solidarity Share – $25

If you are self-identified limited income your member-ownership is a one-time payment of $25 (previously $75)

BIPOC Solidarity Share – FREE

If you are self-identified Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color, you have the option to choose a $0 member-owner share, regardless of income.

Donate to the Solidarity Share Fund

Our mission is to draw together diverse communities of the Amherst area. Help us do that by donating to our Solidarity Share Fund.

Who owns the Co-op? Member-owners like you!

By becoming a Common Share Food Co-op member-owner you are joining our movement for food justice, an inclusive economy, and a community third space in the Amherst area!

A lifetime member-equity share is a one-time payment of $175! We have payment options for everyone from $0-$175!

OFFLINE OPTION: Prefer to pay by mail? Download the brochure at the bottom of this page, tear off the registration form, and mail a check in the full amount made out to “Common Share Food Co-op.”

Why membership?

If anyone can shop at the Common Share Food Co-op, why become a member instead of a regular customer? Here are some benefits to consider.

You can…

  • receive certain discounts and can participate in members-only truckload sales
  • get annual dividends in profitable years based on a percentage of how much you spend at the Co-op
  • run for a seat on the Board of Directors
  • participate in all decision-making that goes up for a vote. It’s democratic membership: One person, one vote!

Member-owners can feel proud to know that they are supporting a business that…

  • puts people before profit
  • centers and prioritizes supporting and strengthening the whole community
  • promotes and supports social, racial, economic justice
  • pays fair wages and supports fair-trade
  • operates with transparency; that cooperates, rather than competes with other co-ops
  • engages in socially-responsible business practices
  • supports small farmers and producers, which in turn decreases the harmful environmental impact that factory farming imposes on people and the planet