Monthly Payment Plan (Phasing Out)

Monthly Payment Plan (Phasing Out)

$8.75 / month for 20 months



As part of our shift towards new payment plans, we’re phasing out this version of the monthly payment plan. New options will include different time scales. Stay tuned!

By becoming a Common Share Food Co-op member-owner you are joining our movement for food justice, an inclusive economy, and a community third space in the Amherst area! 

As a member-owner, you are an actual owner of the co-op and you can:

  • receive certain discounts and can participate in members-only truckload sales
  • get annual dividends in profitable years based on a percentage of how much you spend at the Co-op
  • participate in all the democratic decision-making that goes up for a vote
  • run for a seat on the Board of Directors