Our 500 & Counting Party on Sunday, April 7th marked a major milestone for our co-op. With over 530 members-owners, we are now over halfway towards our 1,000 member-ownership goal. Thank you to all of the vendors, raffle donors, volunteers, and guests that made the event such a success!
The event was not only a celebration of what we have achieved and how far we’ve come; but also a call to action. In the coming weeks and months, we will be increasing our outreach and visibility in the community through house parties, community events and festivals, co-op sponsored events, and listening circles on food justice and equitable access.
Like all co-operatives, starting and maintaining a food co-op only works when owners are actively involved in supporting its development.
If you have been a volunteer for our co-op in the past: thank you! You have helped to move this project closer to fruition and we need your continued support to get us all the way there. If you have never volunteered for us before, consider what you can do to “Share the Good” and promote our co-op to people in your community.
Come to our Volunteer Training on Wednesday, April 24 from 5:30-7:00 at the UMass Hampshire House to learn more about upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Sign up here for more information. Now more than ever, we need the support of all of our owners and community members to help us push this project to the next phase of development. If every member-owner got just ONE person to sign up, we would reach our goal in no time! That’s right, just one friend, family member, neighbor, or colleague. Surely, we all know someone who would be interested in supporting a more resilient and just local food economy.
So here is my challenge to you: how will you “Share the Good” and help make our co-op a reality?
In solidarity,
Article was written by Common Share Food Co-op‘s Community Engagement Coordinator, Emily Chiara.
Emily Chiara’s passion for food justice has led her to work with a variety of non-profit organizations, farms, and educational communities in the Pioneer Valley, Arkansas, North Carolina, as well as India and Guatemala. She recently completed a Masters Degree in Sustainability Science from UMass, focusing on the power of community institutions to support resilient and just food systems.
Read more about Emily here.